Dr. Smita Mohite

Mrs England Universe

‘Why fit in when you are born to stand out!’ 

I have always believed in the power of dreams which pushes you to work towards it. Born and brought up in a small town in India, I came to the United Kingdom to pursue my dreams to be an independent, confident, influential and a powerful woman. 

I am a doctor, a medical researcher, a mother, a trained dancer, and a fashion lover. I kept discovering my strengths while playing these roles in my life. Then, 

I came across a wonderful adventure AGLP had been conducting- a beauty pageant for married women. I decided to accept this challenge to explore the world of fashion, style, and talent.  During this journey AGLP organized various trainings which helped me learn many more facets of my personality. I grew to be a more confident, better version of myself. A moment of pride, happiness and achievement came when I won the Mrs India UK 2020 (Gold) and when I reminisce about it, I realize that the journey was as beautiful and wonderful as was the destination. I decided to step ahead to grab another opportunity to be the title holder for Mrs England Universe 2021. The journey involved the opportunity to meet and learn from the experts in highly specialized fields in the pageant world like Stage Presence, Emotional Intelligence, Cat Walk, Branding and Social Media, Fitness, Makeup and Styling and Public Speaking. 

Apart from my duty towards the patients as a doctor, I support a charity, Cancer Research UK and Smile UK by raising funds in various ways. With AGLP’s platform I had an opportunity to support the charities on a larger scale by raising greater awareness and funds during my journey. In the year 2020, the pageant supported a cause for mental health which helped me explore an additional perspective to my cause- significance of mental health among cancer patients and their families. In the end, I found my ultimate goal ‘Rehabilitate minds, rejuvenate bodies and restore lives!’ The Smile UK felicitated me for my work recently where I proudly flaunted my titles. News of my winning the pageant was widely discussed in the Indian media through television channels, newspapers and magazines. I was interviewed on various channels where I had the opportunity to create awareness about my charities and to popularize the AGLP that offer women like me a chance of an adventure, a chance to redefine oneself, a chance to shine!

Now, I am so pleased that AGLP has again come up with a brand new platform to offer similar opportunities to women of different ethnicities and backgrounds. I would like to encourage the ladies to come forward, be confident and comfortable in their own skin and empower themselves by participating in this pageant.